Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Meet Jorge Fernandez, the Executive Director at the Immigrant Centre.

Fernandez is a graduate at University of Quito, in Ecuador.

He has arrived in Winnipeg in 1985 and has started at Immigrant Centre as a client. He envisioned himself working at the organization at the very first time, when he was in the waiting room at the then called International Centre. He overcome challenges. He couldn’t speak English and he came to Immigrant Centre looking for guidance. Not much longer after that day, Fernandez was working at the organization, first as a volunteer and then as an employee.

While making a difference working over different levels at Immigrant Centre, he has helped countless immigrants and newcomers to settle in Winnipeg. As the Executive Director, he is creating and enhancing programs that help Immigrant Centre's clients, making a difference into their lives. Jorge Fernandez also plays an important role in the national conversation about changes in immigration policy and innovative practices.

The Immigrant Centre is an organization that provides settlement services to newcomers in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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