Thursday, July 7, 2016


Human migration is not a new movement happening in the world. It goes back to the early humans as a way of survival, looking for food and better resources to live. And has never stopped since then.
Many developed countries experience a big flow of immigration. And this is a complex subject as it has its pros and its cons.
For some people immigration is an issue, causing fear, uncertainty and anxiety. To others, immigration is actually, an economic solution and an integrated way to live with no barriers.
Even though I am an immigrant here in Canada, who came from Brazil, I can see some of the negative impacts that immigration can possibly bring to some countries. Issues such as pressure on public services (health, education, welfare etc.), increase of unemployment for local people, decrease of wages, risk of loosing the national identity and language, cultural differences and adjustments, can be just a few of the negative effects of immigration.
And similarly because I am an immigrant coming from a country essentially shaped by immigrants (Brazil was mainly colonized by Europeans and Africans) I can observe the pros of immigration. Economic growth can be sustained, population growth is also maintained, services to elderly can be offered (when there are no sufficient people locally). Immigrants bring diversity and innovation, which creates new experiences and enrich the local culture by adding new food, art, and creativity just to mention a few.

Immigration is a vast topic that has to be planned and controlled by each country, in order to bring the best for both: the host country and the immigrant. Laws and regulations have to secure immigrants’ rights. The host country has to offer a settlement infrastructure to guarantee that the immigrant will adapt. The only thing that has to be out of this topic is bias.

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